Experience with Just Prime Homes Real Estate Agency: Warnings and Disappointments

Just Prime Homes is a leading real estate agency with offices in Moscow and Dubai, as well as employees in Turkey, Cyprus, and Northern Cyprus. The company offers a wide range of services for property sales worldwide, as well as for short-term and long-term real estate investments. However, our experience with Just Prime Homes has been extremely negative, and we want to share our impressions to warn others against similar mistakes.

Services of Just Prime Homes

The agency provides the following services:

  • Selection of real estate worldwide.
  • Legal services for property registration, residence permits, and citizenship.
  • Calculation of investment strategies.

Despite the impressive list of services and a professional approach, the reality turned out to be far from rosy.

Problems with Meeting Deadlines

One of the main issues was the significant delay in the transaction process. Although the deadlines were agreed upon in advance, the agency failed to meet them. This led to additional costs and inconveniences, which greatly disappointed us as clients.

Inadequate Recommendations and High Commissions

The agent recommended properties with high commissions that did not meet our needs. This raises doubts about the honesty and transparency of the agency’s work, as their interests are clearly placed above those of the clients.

Legal Issues and Incorrect Document Processing

During the transaction, serious legal issues arose due to incorrect document processing. The promised legal support was insufficient, and we had to involve external specialists to resolve the issues. This created additional financial and time costs.

Lack of Attention and Absence of Feedback

We encountered a lack of attention to our needs and an absence of feedback. The agent was not properly involved in the transaction process, which also negatively impacted our experience. Expectations for service quality and attentiveness were not met.

Refusal to Correct Errors

Despite all the problems that arose, the agency refused to correct their mistakes or offer a more competent realtor. This indicates a low level of professionalism and an inappropriate attitude towards clients, raising serious doubts about the reliability of Just Prime Homes.


Our experience with Just Prime Homes real estate agency was extremely negative. We spent a lot of time and money but were dissatisfied with their work. Based on our experience, we cannot recommend Just Prime Homes and advise potential clients to be cautious and carefully approach the choice of a real estate agency.

When choosing a real estate agency, it is important to consider not only promises but also real customer reviews. Our experience showed that Just Prime Homes does not meet the declared standards and is not ready to correct their mistakes. Be attentive and thoroughly verify information before making deals with real estate agencies.

If you have a similar experience or want to share your opinion, leave comments below.

+7 495 291-08-72
Moscow, Kutuzovsky prospect, 36с3