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Reviews of pro.blockchain

pro.blockchain courses: Danger for beginners

Interest in cryptocurrencies and trading on financial markets continues to grow, and many newcomers seek training for successful investing. The courses offered by pro.blockchain seem like an attractive option, but the reality is far from expectations.

  1. Exaggerated Promises

Pro.blockchain courses attract clients with flashy advertisements and promises of huge profits. However, after paying for the course, it becomes clear that these are just empty words. There are no guarantees of success, and most students are left disappointed.

  1. Lack of Practical Knowledge

The courses from pro.blockchain provide little practical knowledge. Most of the materials consist of general theories and outdated strategies that can be found for free on the internet. As a result, you spend time and money without gaining the necessary skills for successful trading.

  1. High Cost

The prices for pro.blockchain training are unjustifiably high. The courses provide no real benefit, and getting a refund is nearly impossible. The company does not offer money-back guarantees, leaving students disappointed and deceived.

  1. Lack of Support

After paying for the course, the promised support turns out to be minimal. Questions often go unanswered, and there is no individual approach to learning. You feel lost in a sea of information without direction.

  1. Dishonest Practices

Pro.blockchain uses questionable methods to attract clients. Reviews and success stories may be fake, creating a false impression of the course.


Pro.blockchain courses are a trap for inexperienced people. They offer little real knowledge, exaggerated expectations, and lack of support. The high cost and lack of refund guarantees make them dangerous for your finances. Be cautious when choosing courses and trust reliable sources of information. Your money and time are too valuable for poor-quality education.


VadimCapital (Vadim Tarasov) Reviews

False Hopes and Real Disappointments

Investing and trading in cryptocurrency markets attract many who want to quickly increase their capital. The courses from VadimCapital initially promise to teach all the intricacies of trading and investing in cryptocurrencies. However, the reality is entirely different. In this article, I want to share my negative experience and warn anyone considering these courses.

  1. Exaggerated Expectations and Misleading Promises

VadimCapital courses attract clients with loud slogans and promises of high profits. The promotional materials are filled with success stories and attractive profit growth charts. However, the reality is that most course participants do not reach the promised heights and end up losing their money. The main goal of these courses is to lure you into the training and extract as much money as possible while providing minimal useful information.

The situation becomes especially disappointing when you realize that all these success stories are just a carefully crafted illusion. Many people, inspired by these enticing promises, invest their money hoping for quick profits, only to find that their expectations are not met.

  1. Lack of Practical Knowledge

The courses offered by VadimCapital suffer from a severe lack of practical knowledge. Most of the materials consist of general theories and outdated strategies that do not work in the modern cryptocurrency market. Participants often find themselves confused, not knowing how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

This deficiency leads to many participants being unable to trade effectively, resulting in the loss of their investments. While the promotional materials promise ready-to-use strategies for successful trading, in reality, students are left with useless theories.

  1. High Cost and No Refunds

The prices for training with VadimCapital are unjustifiably high. You will pay a significant amount for courses that do not provide real knowledge and skills. Moreover, if you decide that the training does not suit you, getting a refund will be nearly impossible. VadimCapital does not offer any money-back guarantees, leaving many students disappointed and deceived.

The high cost of the courses adds additional stress for those who have already lost money in unsuccessful trades. The feeling of hopelessness intensifies when you realize that you have spent money on useless training and cannot get it back.

  1. Poor Support and Lack of Individual Approach

After paying for the course, the promised support is minimal. Questions and requests for help often go unanswered. There is no individual approach to learning, and you feel abandoned in a sea of information without direction.

This is especially disappointing when you realize that all the promised individual consultations and help were just another marketing ploy. In reality, you are left to deal with problems and questions on your own, with no one rushing to provide answers.

  1. Lack of Transparency and Truthfulness

VadimCapital often hides the real statistics of its students. Only successful examples, which may be fabricated or greatly exaggerated, are shown. Real stories of failures and losses are carefully hidden to avoid scaring off new clients. This creates an illusion of success that does not correspond to reality.

People inspired by fake success stories continue to invest their money, unaware of the actual scale of the losses. This leads to even greater financial losses and disappointment.


The trading and cryptocurrency investment courses offered by VadimCapital are a trap for inexperienced and trusting people. They offer little real knowledge, exaggerated expectations, and lack of support. The high cost and lack of refund guarantees make them even more dangerous for your finances. Do not fall for flashy promises and be cautious when choosing courses. It is better to spend time on self-study of the market and find reliable sources of information. Your money and time are too valuable to waste on poor-quality education.

Real Person’s Story

Nikolai, one of the participants in the VadimCapital courses, shared his experience: “I invested a significant amount of money in these courses, hoping to learn trading and improve my financial situation. However, within a few weeks, I realized that the course materials were outdated and useless. No one answered my questions, and I was left alone with my problems. Getting a refund was impossible, and I lost not only the money for the courses but also my investments in cryptocurrencies. It was a nightmare.”

If you have also had a negative experience with VadimCapital, share your story in the comments. Let’s help others avoid falling into the same trap and protect them from losses!


Denis Sarafinovich Reviews

A Trap for the Inexperienced

At first glance, Denis Sarafinovich’s courses seem like an ideal option for beginners. However, the reality is much more disappointing. I want to share my negative experience to warn everyone considering taking these courses.

  1. Exaggerated Promises and Deceptive Marketing

Denis Sarafinovich’s courses lure clients with loud slogans and promises of huge profits. The promotional materials are filled with success stories and attractive profit charts. However, in practice, all of this turns out to be false. Most course participants do not reach the promised heights and end up losing their money. The main goal of these courses is to extract as much money from you as possible while providing minimal useful information.

In reality, many who have taken the courses share their disappointment. The promises of huge profits and quick results turn out to be an illusion, and most students face the reality that their expectations are not met. Success stories and profit charts are often fabricated or heavily exaggerated.

  1. Outdated Materials and Lack of Practical Knowledge

Denis Sarafinovich’s courses suffer from a severe lack of practical knowledge. Most of the materials consist of outdated theories and ineffective strategies. Participants often find themselves confused, not understanding how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, leading to financial losses and disappointment.

One of the students, Andrey, shares his experience: “After taking the courses, I realized that all these theories and strategies simply don’t work in the modern cryptocurrency market. I tried to apply the knowledge I had gained, but I failed every time. All I got was significant financial losses and disappointment.”

  1. High Cost and No Refunds

The prices for Denis Sarafinovich’s courses are unjustifiably high. You will pay a significant amount for courses that do not provide real knowledge and skills. Moreover, if the training does not suit you, getting your money back is nearly impossible. Denis Sarafinovich does not offer any money-back guarantees, leaving many students feeling deceived and disappointed.

Another participant, Olga, shares: “I spent a significant amount on these courses, hoping to gain real knowledge and skills. However, when I realized the training did not meet my expectations, I found that getting a refund was impossible. I was left with empty pockets and a bitter disappointment.”

  1. Lack of Support and Individual Approach

After paying for the courses, the promised support is minimal. Questions and requests for help are rarely answered. There is no individual approach to learning, and you feel abandoned. This increases the risk of financial losses and further aggravates the situation.

Sergey, another disappointed student, shares: “They promised constant support and help, but after paying for the course, no one answered my questions. I felt abandoned and didn’t know where to turn for help. It was a terrible feeling.”

  1. Dishonest Practices and Fake Reviews

Denis Sarafinovich and his team often use questionable methods to attract clients. Reviews and success stories may be fake or heavily exaggerated. This creates a false impression of the course and misleads many newcomers who believe in the promises of easy money. Real stories of failures and losses are carefully hidden.

Anna, one of the deceived clients, says: “I believed the positive reviews and success stories, but it turned out that all of it was fake. The real stories of failures and losses are carefully hidden. I lost money and trust in these courses.”


Denis Sarafinovich’s trading and cryptocurrency investment courses are a trap for inexperienced and trusting people. They offer little real knowledge, exaggerated expectations, and lack of support. The high cost and lack of refund guarantees make them even more dangerous for your finances. Do not fall for flashy promises and be cautious when choosing courses. It is better to spend time on self-study of the market and find reliable sources of information. Your money and time are too valuable to waste on poor-quality education.


Diana Tursynbaykyzy reviews

Trading and Investment Courses by Diana Tursynbaikyzy: A Trap for Beginners

Investing in cryptocurrencies and trading attract the attention of many who seek to quickly increase their capital. At first glance, Diana Tursynbaikyzy’s courses seem like an excellent option for beginners, but the reality is far less promising. In this article, I want to share my negative experience and warn anyone considering these courses.

  1. Exaggerated Expectations and Deceptive Promises

Diana Tursynbaikyzy’s courses attract with loud slogans and promises of high profits. The promotional materials use success stories and attractive charts, creating the illusion of easy earnings. However, most course participants do not reach the promised heights and end up losing their money, disappointed with the training.

The promotional materials are filled with stories of successful deals and impressive profits, but the reality is far from these promises. In practice, many students find that the promised strategies simply do not work. False hopes and exaggerated expectations lead to serious financial losses.

  1. Lack of Practical Knowledge

The main problem with Diana Tursynbaikyzy’s courses is the content. The courses are filled with general theories and outdated strategies that do not work in the modern cryptocurrency market. The materials are superficial and do not provide the necessary knowledge for successful trading, leading to financial losses.

The courses promise to teach effective strategies and trading methods, but in reality, students receive a set of outdated and superficial materials. Without specific practical knowledge applicable to the current market situation, students are unable to make the right trading decisions and suffer losses.

  1. High Cost and No Refunds

The prices for Diana Tursynbaikyzy’s courses are unjustifiably high. You will pay a significant amount for training that does not bring real benefits. Getting a refund is nearly impossible, leaving many students disappointed and deceived.

The courses are expensive but do not justify the investment. Moreover, if you realize that the training does not meet your expectations, getting your money back will be almost impossible. Diana Tursynbaikyzy and her team do not offer any money-back guarantees, leaving students feeling cheated and disappointed.

  1. Poor Support and Lack of Individual Approach

After paying for the courses, the promised support is minimal. Questions often go unanswered, and there is no individual approach. You are left alone with superficial materials without real help, which exacerbates the situation and increases the risk of financial losses.

Promises of constant support and individual consultations are empty words. After paying for the course, most students encounter a complete lack of feedback. Questions go unanswered, and attempts to get help are ignored. This leads to students feeling abandoned and not receiving the necessary assistance to succeed.

  1. Questionable Methods and Dishonest Practices

Diana Tursynbaikyzy and her team often use questionable methods to attract clients. Reviews and success stories may be fake or greatly exaggerated. This creates a false impression of the course, misleading many beginners. There are far more real stories of failures and losses, but they are carefully hidden.

Many positive reviews and success stories used in promotional materials may be fake. Real students who lost money and did not succeed are simply not given the opportunity to share their experiences. This creates a false sense of the success of the courses and misleads new clients.


Diana Tursynbaikyzy’s trading and cryptocurrency investment courses are a trap for inexperienced and trusting people. They offer little real knowledge, exaggerated expectations, and lack of support. The high cost and lack of refund guarantees make these courses even more dangerous for your finances. Do not fall for flashy promises and be cautious when choosing courses. It is better to spend time on self-study of the market and find reliable sources of information. Your money and time are too valuable to waste on poor-quality education.

Real Stories

If you have also had a negative experience with Diana Tursynbaikyzy’s training, share your story in the comments.


TTM Academy reviews

TTM Academy Courses: A Trap for the Inexperienced

In the digital age, many people strive to acquire new skills in IT and cryptocurrencies. However, not all courses live up to expectations. One such disappointment for me was the courses from TTM Academy. I want to share my negative experience and warn everyone considering studying with them.

  1. Exaggerated Expectations and False Promises

TTM Academy courses attract clients with flashy advertising campaigns and promises of easy money and quick results. Success stories and beautiful charts turn out to be empty words. Courses such as “IT and Crypto Project Management,” “System Trading,” “Revolution,” “Starter,” “Drop Hunting,” “Cryptocurrencies from A to Z,” and “Basics of Crypto Trading” do not provide real knowledge and skills.

I enrolled in the courses hoping to gain valuable knowledge and strategies. However, as soon as I started the training, it became clear that all the promises were false. The courses offered nothing new or unique, and most of the materials could be found online for free.

  1. Superficial and Outdated Materials

The materials from TTM Academy courses are often outdated and irrelevant. The information is superficial and does not reflect current market realities. This is especially disappointing when you realize you have spent money on useless training.

Instead of receiving up-to-date and practical knowledge, I had to watch outdated lectures and read irrelevant materials. As a result, I couldn’t apply the knowledge gained in practice and did not achieve any success.

  1. High Cost and No Refunds

The prices for TTM Academy courses are unjustifiably high. You pay large sums for training that does not bring real benefits. Getting a refund is impossible, leaving students disappointed and deceived.

When I realized that the courses did not meet my expectations, I tried to get my money back. However, it turned out to be impossible. TTM Academy does not offer any money-back guarantees, leaving me without money and without useful knowledge.

  1. Lack of Quality Support and Individual Approach

Promises of support and an individual approach remain empty words. After paying for the courses, no one answers questions or requests. There is no individual approach, and you feel abandoned.

Despite promises of individual consultations and help, I received no support. My questions went unanswered, and I felt completely alone in my attempts to understand the course materials.

  1. Unethical Practices and Misleading Reviews

TTM Academy often uses unethical methods to attract clients. Reviews of the courses may be fake or greatly exaggerated. Real stories of failures are carefully hidden.

Before enrolling in the courses, I read many positive reviews. However, once I started the training, I realized that these reviews did not reflect reality. Many students face the same problems as I did, but their voices are simply not heard.


TTM Academy’s training courses are a trap for inexperienced and trusting people. They offer little real knowledge, exaggerated expectations, and lack of support. The high cost and lack of refund guarantees make them dangerous for your finances. Do not fall for flashy promises and be cautious when choosing courses. Your money and time are too valuable to waste on poor-quality education.

Real Stories

If you have also had a negative experience with TTM Academy’s training, share your story in the comments. Let’s help others avoid falling into the same trap and protect them from losses.

+7 (499) 226-21-86

Shortcomings of “Kolibri-Cleaning”: Client Experiences

“Kolibri-Cleaning” positions itself as a professional and reliable provider of cleaning services, promising high-quality cleaning and comfortable collaboration conditions. However, behind the seemingly attractive promises lie numerous shortcomings and problems that clients encounter. Let’s examine the main issues that often arise when working with “Kolibri-Cleaning.”

Poor Cleaning Quality

Although “Kolibri-Cleaning” claims a high level of professionalism, many clients are disappointed with the quality of cleaning. The mechanized cleaning, actively promoted by the company, often proves ineffective. Dust and dirt remain in hard-to-reach places, furniture is not fully cleaned, and floors look dirty. Clients expected much better results for the money spent.

Ineffective Eco-Friendly Products

The company asserts that it uses environmentally safe products. However, in practice, these products often fail to deal with serious dirt and stains. Clients complain that stains on carpets and furniture remain, and overall cleanliness leaves much to be desired.

Technical Problems

Despite “Kolibri-Cleaning’s” efforts to implement modern technologies, this does not always lead to desired results. Mechanized cleaning is often poorly executed due to faulty equipment or insufficiently trained personnel. This causes additional inconvenience and disappointment for clients.

Lack of Individual Approach

Despite promises of an individual approach, many clients complain about insufficient attention to their needs. Standard work algorithms do not take into account the specific requirements and wishes of clients, leading to unsatisfactory cleaning results.

Missed Deadlines

Clients often face delays and non-compliance with agreed deadlines. Cleaners arrive late for appointments, disrupting clients’ plans and causing inconvenience. Customer service does not always respond promptly to complaints and fails to provide adequate explanations or apologies for delays.

Communication Problems

Clients report difficulties in communicating with managers, who often cannot give precise answers to questions or resolve arising issues. This causes dissatisfaction and reduces trust in the company.

High Prices

The cost of “Kolibri-Cleaning’s” services is often higher than that of competitors, while the quality of cleaning does not match the high prices. Clients feel deceived and disappointed when the result does not justify the money spent.

“Kolibri-Cleaning” creates an impression of a reliable and professional provider of cleaning services. However, reality often differs from advertising promises. Poor cleaning quality, ineffective eco-friendly products, technical problems, unsatisfactory communication, and high prices make working with this company inconvenient and disappointing. Clients expecting a high level of service face numerous problems and dissatisfaction.

If you are looking for quality cleaning services, it is recommended to turn to more reliable and professional companies that truly value their clients and care about their reputation. Avoid the same mistakes as many others and make an informed choice based on real reviews and client experiences.

+7 (495) 021-18-15
Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, 7

Real Problems with the Cleaning Company “Bratya Chistovy”: Beware of the Trap

The cleaning company “Bratya Chistovy” is actively expanding its network of branches across Russia, attracting clients with promises of high-quality service and a wide range of services. However, behind the bright advertising slogans lie numerous problems that potential clients and franchisees should be aware of. Let’s examine the main shortcomings and issues that users of the company face.

Low Cleaning Quality

Despite assurances of high-quality work, clients often encounter unsatisfactory results. Cleaning is frequently done superficially, with little attention paid to hard-to-reach places. Dust and dirt remain on furniture and in corners, leading to justified disappointment among clients. For the money they spend, clients expect much better results.

Problems with Home Dry Cleaning

One of the offered services is home dry cleaning. However, clients note the low effectiveness of this service. Stains on furniture and carpets remain, and sometimes fabrics even get damaged. This is particularly unpleasant for those expecting a professional approach and high-quality work.

Ineffectiveness of Eco-Cleaning

The company emphasizes eco-cleaning, which is supposed to be safe for children, pets, and people with allergies. However, many clients complain about the insufficient effectiveness of the products used. Allergens are not completely eliminated, and dirt remains on surfaces. This discrepancy with expectations causes justified dissatisfaction.

Insufficient Employee Qualifications

Despite strict selection and training, the professionalism level of cleaners often leaves much to be desired. Many clients note carelessness in work, inattention to details, and inability to handle complex tasks. This leads to additional expenses for repeat cleaning or error correction.

Ignoring Customer Feedback

Although the company claims to care about its clients, feedback often goes unnoticed. Complaints and comments are ignored, and problems are not resolved. This causes dissatisfaction and reduces trust in the company.

Inconvenient Communication

Many clients complain about difficulties in communicating with company managers. Phone calls often go unanswered, and the app works unstably. This creates additional inconveniences when ordering services and attempting to resolve issues.

Franchise Problems

The company’s franchise system also raises many questions. Many franchise owners complain about insufficient support from the head office, high demands, and unachievable conditions. This leads to numerous problems and disappointments among franchisees, which in turn affects the quality of services provided to clients.

The cleaning company “Bratya Chistovy” creates the illusion of a reliable and professional service provider, but real client reviews indicate many problems. Low cleaning quality, ineffective dry and eco-cleaning, insufficient employee qualifications, franchise issues, and inconvenient communication – all these make working with the company extremely inconvenient and disappointing.

+7 (495) 229-30-89
Moscow, st. Smolnaya, 12

Cleaning Company “Qlean”: Why You Shouldn’t Trust Their Promises

The cleaning company “Qlean” offers a wide range of services, including turnkey cleaning, storage, and moving services. Despite attractive offers, real customer reviews reveal numerous problems that should be considered before using their services. Below, we examine the main shortcomings and issues that clients face with “Qlean.”

Limited Range of Services

Although “Qlean” offers cleaning, storage, and moving services, their catalog of cleaning services is limited. Clients often complain about the lack of specialized services, such as deep carpet cleaning or post-renovation cleaning. This forces them to turn to other companies, creating additional inconvenience.

Inaccurate Cost Estimates

The company’s website features a cost calculator intended to help clients independently calculate the price of cleaning. However, many clients note that the actual cost often turns out to be higher than stated. Managers clarify additional services over the phone and increase the price, causing disappointment and dissatisfaction.

Insufficient Cleaning Quality

Despite assurances of professionalism and thorough instructions before departure, the quality of cleaning often leaves much to be desired. Clients complain about superficial cleaning, insufficient attention to details, and careless handling of their property. As a result, clients receive unsatisfactory results despite high expectations.

Issues with Storage Services

One of “Qlean’s” unique services is storage. However, clients often encounter problems in this area. Items can be damaged or lost, and storage conditions do not always meet stated standards. This causes additional expenses and inconvenience for clients.

Missed Deadlines

The company prides itself on punctuality, but real reviews show that cleaners often arrive late for orders. This disrupts clients’ plans and creates additional stress. Customer support does not always respond promptly to complaints, exacerbating the situation.

Inadequate Attention to Additional Services

Clients ordering additional services often face problems. Managers are not always able to promptly confirm the booking of additional services, leading to confusion and delays. This causes frustration and dissatisfaction among clients.

Poor Communication with Clients

Communication with clients is a weak point for the company. Many clients complain about difficulties in interacting with managers, who often cannot provide precise answers to questions or resolve issues. This causes dissatisfaction and reduces trust in the company.


The cleaning company “Qlean” creates an attractive image of a reliable and professional service provider, but reality often does not meet expectations. Limited range of services, inaccurate cost estimates, low cleaning quality, storage issues, missed deadlines, and poor communication make working with “Qlean” inconvenient and disappointing. Clients expecting a high level of service face numerous problems and dissatisfaction.

If you are looking for quality cleaning services, it is recommended to consider other, more reliable companies that truly value their clients and provide professional services.

Moscow, st.Vyatskaya, 27, building 15

Cleaning Company “Domovenok”: Why You Should Avoid Their Services

The cleaning company “Domovenok” calls itself a guardian of cleanliness and promises a high level of service, backed by over a decade of experience. However, behind the seemingly attractive promises lie real problems that clients face. In this article, we will examine the main drawbacks and inconveniences that users of “Domovenok” services may encounter.

Poor Cleaning Quality

Despite claims of high employee qualifications, the quality of cleaning often leaves much to be desired. Clients complain about superficial work, with dust and dirt left in hard-to-reach places, and furniture and floors not thoroughly cleaned. Expectations are not met, and clients are forced to do additional cleaning themselves.

Problems with Eco-Friendly Products

The company claims to use eco-friendly products that are safe for people and pets. However, in practice, these products often prove ineffective against tough stains. Clients note that stains on carpets and furniture remain, and the overall cleanliness after cleaning does not meet the claimed standards.

Lack of Professionalism

Despite having its own training center and mandatory qualification courses, many clients encounter a lack of professionalism from the cleaners. Employees do not always know how to properly use cleaning products and equipment, resulting in poor cleaning quality and damage to clients’ property.

Inconvenient App

“Domovenok” offers its clients an app for managing orders and adjusting cleaning times. However, many users complain about its inconvenience and technical problems. The app often crashes, loses data, and does not allow quick changes to the order. This creates additional inconveniences and complicates the process of working with the company.

Ignoring Client Feedback

Although the company claims to value its reputation and consider client feedback, in practice, many complaints go unanswered. Clients often do not receive responses to their comments and suggestions for improving the service. This leads to dissatisfaction and reduces trust in the company.

Problems with Chemical Products

When eco-friendly products fail to remove dirt, the company uses chemical agents. However, clients complain about the strong chemical odor that lingers in the premises for a long time. This creates discomfort and can be hazardous to the health of people and pets.

High Prices

The cost of “Domovenok” services is often higher than that of competitors, while the quality of cleaning does not justify the high prices. Clients feel deceived when the result does not meet their expectations, and additional services cost significantly more than initially stated.


The cleaning company “Domovenok” creates the illusion of a reliable and professional service provider, but real client reviews indicate numerous problems. Poor cleaning quality, ineffective eco-friendly products, lack of professionalism, inconvenient app, ignoring client feedback, and high prices make working with this company inconvenient and disappointing.

If you are looking for quality cleaning services, it is recommended to consider more reliable companies that truly value their clients and provide a high level of service. Avoid falling into the same trap as many others, and make an informed choice based on real reviews and the experience of other users.

8 (495) 241-23-22
Moscow, st. Mira Avenue, 102, 38

Problems with the Cleaning Company “KlinOn”: Misled Expectations and Real Reviews

The cleaning company “KlinOn” actively advertises its services, promising a combination of affordable prices and high-quality cleaning. However, behind the attractive offers lie real problems that clients face. In this article, we will examine the main drawbacks and inconveniences that users of “KlinOn” services may encounter.

Poor Cleaning Quality

Despite the claimed high level of professionalism, many clients complain about the quality of cleaning. Cleaners often do not pay enough attention to details, leaving dust and dirt in hard-to-reach places, and poorly cleaning furniture and floors. Clients’ expectations are not met, and they are forced to do additional cleaning themselves.

Problems with Furniture Dry Cleaning

The company claims to handle any tasks, including dry cleaning of furniture with delicate upholstery. However, in practice, clients often face damage to upholstery and stains that cannot be removed. This causes disappointment and additional expenses for furniture restoration.

Insufficient Employee Qualifications

Although “KlinOn” claims a high level of training for its employees, the reality is often different. Cleaners do not always know how to properly use equipment and cleaning agents, leading to poor cleaning quality and damage to clients’ property.

Ignoring Customer Feedback

Despite assurances that the company values its reputation and considers customer feedback, many complaints go unanswered. Clients often do not receive responses to their comments and suggestions for improving the service. This leads to dissatisfaction and reduces trust in the company.

Problems with Supervising Managers

The company promises to provide a supervising manager for complex projects, but in practice, clients face a lack of control and low responsibility. Managers do not always monitor the quality of the order, resulting in unsatisfactory cleaning results and delays.

Discrepancy Between Advertised and Actual Prices

Although “KlinOn” advertises affordable prices, clients often encounter inflated rates and hidden fees. During the free consultation, managers form a service package and calculate a preliminary cost, but the final amount is significantly higher due to various additional options that were not initially mentioned.

Delays in Service Execution

Cleaners often arrive late for orders, disrupting clients’ plans and causing additional inconvenience. Customer support does not always respond promptly to complaints, exacerbating the situation and causing disappointment among clients.

Communication Problems

Communication with clients is a weak point for the company. Many clients complain about difficulties in communicating with managers, who often cannot provide accurate answers to questions or resolve issues. This causes dissatisfaction and reduces trust in the company.


The cleaning company “KlinOn” creates the illusion of a reliable and professional service provider, but real client reviews indicate numerous problems. Poor cleaning quality, problems with furniture dry cleaning, insufficient employee qualifications, ignoring customer feedback, delays, and discrepancy between advertised and actual prices make working with this company inconvenient and disappointing.

If you are looking for quality cleaning services, it is recommended to consider more reliable companies that truly value their clients and provide a high level of service. Avoid falling into the same trap as many others, and make an informed choice based on real reviews and the experience of other users.

8 (495) 132-32-31
Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, 7