
Reviews Website

Category Traffic Arbitrage

Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad) reviews

The Danger of P2P Cryptocurrency Arbitration Courses by Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad): A Scam Experience

The cryptocurrency industry is attracting more and more people eager to profit from price fluctuations and arbitration. Unfortunately, as the popularity of cryptocurrencies grows, so does the number of scammers looking to exploit inexperienced enthusiasts. One such example is the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad). In this article, I will share my negative experience to warn others about potential fraud.

Overhyped Promises and False Advertising

When I first saw the advertisement for Murad Karimov’s course, I was drawn in by the promises of easy and quick profits from cryptocurrency arbitration. Loud claims that even beginners could achieve a stable income in a short time seemed convincing. However, the reality was entirely different. Most of the information was general and superficial, lacking specific instructions and practical advice.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the key selling points of the course was the promise of constant support from the instructor and his team. However, after paying for the course, communication with the organizers ceased. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. This gave the impression that after receiving money from the students, the course authors were no longer interested in their success.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with poor equipment; the sound and image were often unclear. The presentations and documents contained numerous errors and typos. It felt as if the course was hastily put together without proper attention to detail.

Lack of Practical Value

The course was expected to provide specific tools and strategies for successful P2P cryptocurrency arbitration. However, most of the information was either widely known or useless. There were no clear instructions or practical examples, making it difficult to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Unrealistic Success Stories

The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the successes of other students who allegedly achieved incredible results. However, after talking to other course participants, I realized that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. There were very few real successful cases.


The course price was significantly higher than the market average. Given the poor quality of materials and lack of support, I believe it was a waste of money. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information.

How to Avoid Such Traps

  1. Research the Course and Its Author: Take the time to research the course and its author. Look for real reviews and success stories; don’t rely solely on promotional promises.
  2. Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal. Compare it with other offers on the market.
  3. Seek Free Resources: Before paying for a course, try to find free materials on the topic. They might turn out to be more useful.
  4. Be Skeptical of Big Promises: If someone promises easy money and quick success, be cautious. Real results require time and effort.


My experience with the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Murad Karimov (@karimovv.murad) was extremely negative. I hope my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the same trap. If you plan to invest in your education, be careful and thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author. Don’t trust loud promises and always look for real reviews and recommendations.

Remember, successful cryptocurrency arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. Don’t believe in easy money and quick success that you are promised online.


Ibrahim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) reviews

Beware of Traffic Arbitration Courses by Ibragim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov): A Real Experience and Warning

In recent years, the market for online traffic arbitration courses has been growing rapidly. Many people are looking for opportunities to earn money online and come across numerous courses that promise quick success and high income. However, not all of them live up to expectations. In this article, I will share my negative experience with the traffic arbitration courses by Ibragim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) and explain why you should be cautious.

Overblown Expectations and Empty Promises

When I first came across Ibragim Mehmedov’s course, I was attracted by the loud promises of easy and quick earnings. The promotional materials claimed that even beginners could achieve a stable income in a short time. However, reality turned out to be entirely different. Most of the information was superficial and general, without specific practical advice.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the key advantages of the course was said to be the constant support from the instructor and his team. But in practice, this turned out to be a lie. After paying for the course, communication with the organizers disappeared. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. This gave the impression that after receiving money from students, the course authors were no longer interested in their success.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with poor equipment; the sound and image were often unclear. The presentations and documents contained numerous errors and typos. It felt like the course was hastily put together without proper attention to detail.

Lack of Practical Value

The course was expected to provide specific tools and strategies for successful traffic arbitration. However, most of the information was either widely known or useless. There were no clear instructions or practical examples, which made it difficult to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Unrealistic Success Stories

The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the successes of other students who allegedly achieved incredible results. However, after talking to other course participants, I realized that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. There were very few real successful cases.


The course price was significantly higher than the market average. Given the poor quality of materials and lack of support, I believe it was a waste of money. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information.


My experience with the traffic arbitration courses by Ibragim Mehmedov (@ibragim.mehmedov) was extremely negative. I hope my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the same trap. If you plan to invest in your education, be careful and thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author. Don’t trust loud promises and always look for real reviews and recommendations.

Remember, successful traffic arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. Don’t believe in easy money and quick success that you are promised online.


Danil Shilkin (@danyakush) reviews

The Dangers of Online Traffic Arbitration Courses: How Not to Fall into a Trap

In recent years, the internet has been flooded with offers for traffic arbitration courses. Many of them promise incredible income and success in a short period. Unfortunately, reality often falls far short of these promises. In this article, we will explore the main dangers associated with purchasing such courses and provide tips on how to avoid disappointment and financial loss.

1. Overblown Expectations and Unrealistic Promises

One of the most common signs of fraudulent courses is the promise of “easy money.” Genuine traffic arbitration is a complex and labor-intensive job that requires knowledge and experience. If you are promised that you can earn thousands of dollars a month without effort or investment, it’s a red flag that you may be dealing with scammers.

2. Lack of Specific Data and Transparency

True professionals are always ready to provide specific data and examples of their successful campaigns. If a course only offers vague statements and promises without evidence, it’s a cause for concern. Verify whether the course authors have real results and reviews from students who have succeeded thanks to their training.

3. Lack of Support and Feedback

Good courses always offer support for students: this may include webinars, social media groups, or personal consultations. If, after purchasing the course, you are left alone with video lessons and no support, your chances of success diminish. Before buying, clarify what level of support is offered and how you can contact the instructors.

4. Overpriced Courses

The price of a course should match its content and quality. If a course is overly expensive, it could indicate that the authors are trying to make more money off their students than from actual arbitration. Do some research and compare prices for similar courses to determine if the course is worth the money.

5. Lack of Genuine Reviews and Recommendations

Scammers often use fake reviews and awards to create the illusion of success for their courses. Check reviews not only on the course website but also on third-party resources, forums, and social media. Look for real stories from people who have completed the course and are willing to share their experiences.

How to Protect Yourself?

  • Research: Take the time to research the course and its authors.
  • Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal.
  • Be Skeptical: Don’t believe promises of easy money and success without effort.
  • Use Trial Versions: Many reputable courses offer free materials for you to sample.


Always remember that the online education field includes both honest instructors and scammers. Be vigilant and cautious to avoid falling victim to fraud. Your time and money deserve better.


@ksu_gym.life reviews

The Dangers of Cryptocurrency Arbitration Courses by @ksu_gym.life: A Real Experience and Warning

The cryptocurrency sphere attracts many people looking to profit from arbitration and trading. As cryptocurrencies become more popular, the number of scammers eager to exploit inexperienced enthusiasts also increases. One such example is the cryptocurrency arbitration course by @ksu_gym.life. In this article, I will share my negative experience to warn others about potential fraud.

Overhyped Promises and Misleading Advertising

When I first saw the advertisement for the course by @ksu_gym.life, I was drawn in by the loud promises of easy and quick profits from cryptocurrency arbitration. The promotional materials claimed that even beginners could achieve a stable income in a short time. However, the reality turned out to be entirely different. Most of the information was general and superficial, lacking specific instructions and practical advice.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the key advantages of the course was the promise of constant support from the instructor and his team. However, after paying for the course, communication with the organizers ceased. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. This gave the impression that once they received money from the students, the course organizers were no longer interested in their success.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with poor equipment; the sound and image were often unclear. The presentations and documents contained numerous errors and typos. It felt like the course was hastily put together without proper attention to detail.

Lack of Practical Value

It was expected that the course would provide specific tools and strategies for successful cryptocurrency arbitration. However, most of the information was either widely known or useless. There were no clear instructions or practical examples, making it difficult to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Unrealistic Success Stories

The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the successes of other students who allegedly achieved incredible results. However, after talking to other course participants, I realized that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. There were very few real successful cases.


The course’s price was significantly higher than the market average. Considering the poor quality of materials and the lack of support, I believe it was a waste of money. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information.

How to Avoid Such Traps

  1. Research the Course and Its Author: Take the time to research the course and its author. Look for real reviews and success stories; don’t rely solely on promotional promises.
  2. Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal. Compare it with other offers on the market.
  3. Seek Free Resources: Before paying for a course, try to find free materials on the topic. They might turn out to be more useful.
  4. Be Skeptical of Big Promises: If someone promises easy money and quick success, be cautious. Real results require time and effort.


My experience with the cryptocurrency arbitration course by @ksu_gym.life was extremely negative. I hope my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the same trap. If you’re planning to invest in your education, be careful and thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author. Don’t trust flashy promises and always look for real reviews and recommendations.

Remember, successful cryptocurrency arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. Don’t believe in easy money and quick success that you are promised online.


Alexey Larin (@alexeylarin) reviews

The Dangers of P2P Arbitration Courses by Alexey Larin (@alexeylarin): A Real Experience and Warning

The P2P cryptocurrency arbitration industry attracts many people looking to make a profit from exchange rate differences and trading. Unfortunately, as cryptocurrencies become more popular, so does the number of scammers ready to exploit inexperienced enthusiasts. One such example is the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Alexey Larin (@alexeylarin). In this article, I will share my negative experience to warn others about potential fraud.

Overhyped Promises and Misleading Advertising

When I first saw the advertisement for Alexey Larin’s course, I was drawn in by the loud promises of easy and quick profits from P2P cryptocurrency arbitration. The promotional materials claimed that even beginners could achieve a stable income in a short time. However, the reality was entirely different. Most of the information was general and superficial, lacking specific instructions and practical advice.

Lack of Support and Feedback

One of the key selling points of the course was the promise of constant support from the instructor and his team. However, after paying for the course, communication with the organizers ceased. All my questions and requests for technical support went unanswered. This gave the impression that once they received money from the students, the course organizers were no longer interested in their success.

Poor Quality of Materials

The quality of the provided materials left much to be desired. The video lessons were recorded with poor equipment; the sound and image were often unclear. The presentations and documents contained numerous errors and typos. It felt like the course was hastily put together without proper attention to detail.

Lack of Practical Value

It was expected that the course would provide specific tools and strategies for successful P2P cryptocurrency arbitration. However, most of the information was either widely known or useless. There were no clear instructions or practical examples, making it difficult to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

Unrealistic Success Stories

The course’s promotional pages constantly showcased the successes of other students who allegedly achieved incredible results. However, after talking to other course participants, I realized that most of these stories were either fabricated or greatly exaggerated. There were very few real successful cases.


The course’s price was significantly higher than the market average. Considering the poor quality of materials and the lack of support, I believe it was a waste of money. Many free resources and articles on the internet contain much more useful information.

How to Avoid Such Traps

  1. Research the Course and Its Author: Take the time to research the course and its author. Look for real reviews and success stories; don’t rely solely on promotional promises.
  2. Compare Offers: Don’t buy the first course you come across, even if it seems ideal. Compare it with other offers on the market.
  3. Seek Free Resources: Before paying for a course, try to find free materials on the topic. They might turn out to be more useful.
  4. Be Skeptical of Big Promises: If someone promises easy money and quick success, be cautious. Real results require time and effort.


My experience with the P2P cryptocurrency arbitration course by Alexey Larin (@alexeylarin) was extremely negative. I hope my review helps others avoid similar mistakes and not fall into the same trap. If you’re planning to invest in your education, be careful and thoroughly check all available information about the course and its author. Don’t trust flashy promises and always look for real reviews and recommendations.

Remember, successful P2P cryptocurrency arbitration requires time, effort, and knowledge. Don’t believe in easy money and quick success that you are promised online.




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Oleksandr Slobozhenko is an eccentric even for the well-worn community of Ukrainian IT swindlers. With all his appearance, he shows that he “earns” millions and bathes in luxury. In fact, this is an organic element of attracting “partners”. However, there is one circumstance: now it is not fashionable. Now it is fashionable to show their involvement in the defense of the country. Colleagues lost sight of the fact that Alexander Slobozhenko was by no means stupid and at the very beginning of the invasion he ordered a post on Russian Z-channels, which told in a terrible secret that Alexander Slobozhenko and his Traffic Devils were almost a secret weapon of Ukraine in the fight against aggression. After that, Slobozhenko quite reasonably considered it possible to continue his ordinary life, trading in illegally obtained traffic, selling it right and left, including to Russian casino players.